Minutes of Louisiana Contest Club

Organizational Meeting

August 9, 2008 at 10:00 am

Leesville, LA Hamfest


In attendance:


Charter Members

Roland Guidry NA5Q

Mark Ketchell K5ER

Charlie Morrison KI5XP

Scott Dickson W5WZ



Kevin Thomas W5KGT


The meeting came to order by acclimation at 10:00 am.  The first order of business was the signing of the constitution and by-laws by the charter members present.  Six original copies were signed; Charlie KI5XP has possession of them to obtain the signature of Pat W5WMU who was unable to attend.  Charlie will then mail three copies to W5WZ.  Each charter member will keep an original copy, and one original copy will go in the club’s permanent files.


The next order of business was the election of officers.


K5ER was nominated for president by NA5Q, seconded by KI5XP.  Nominations were closed.  K5ER was elected unanimously to serve as president. 


As a duly elected officer, K5ER took control and presided over the meeting.


KI5XP was nominated for vice president by K5ER, seconded by NA5Q.  Nominations were closed.  KI5XP was elected unanimously to serve as vice president.


W5WZ was nominated for secretary/treasurer by KI5XP, seconded by NA5Q.  Nominations were closed.  W5WZ was elected unanimously to serve as secretary/treasurer.


NA5Q was nominated to serve as a director by W5WZ, seconded by KI5XP.  Nominations were closed.  NA5Q was elected unanimously to serve as director.


W5WMU was nominated to serve as a director by NA5Q, seconded by KI5XP.  Nominations were closed.  W5WMU was elected unanimously to serve as director.


Election of officers was closed.


President Ketchell K5ER appointed KI5XP to serve as Contest Chair and Awards Chair.


President Ketchell K5ER appointed NA5Q to serve as Webmaster.


President Ketchell K5ER appointed himself to serve as LCC Email Reflector Administrator.


Motion was made by W5WZ, seconded by NA5Q, to set Regular Member dues at $20 annually.  Discussion followed.  Question was called by K5ER.  Motion passed unanimously.


W5WZ accepted dues and donations.

K5ER $30 dues (Family Membership) and $70 donation

NA5Q $20 dues (Regular Membership) and $80 donation

W5WZ $30 dues (Family Membership) and $70 donation


President Ketchell K5ER introduced the topics of bank accounts, taxpayer ID number (TIN), and non-profit status.  Discussion followed.  It was agreed that Iberia Bank, with branches in the major cities across the state, would serve our needs.  K5ER and W5WZ to establish checking account immediately.  It was agreed that a TIN would be required to obtain a bank account.  K5ER to apply for a TIN immediately.  It was agreed that Louisiana Contest Club (LCC) should seek proper non-profit status from the IRS, even if such application requires up to a $300 fee to apply.  K5ER to pursue non-profit status upon receipt of TIN.  Possible requirement of registering corporation
with state, along with yearly fee discussed. K5ER to follow up and advise.


K5ER introduced the topic of a formal budget as required in the Constitution.  Discussion followed.  A rough draft of the budget was created.


Tentative budget items were:
IRS fee (form 8718) - $300
State of Louisiana incorporation fee (estimated) - $60
Bank charges for online banking/billpay - est of $5-6/month, total budgeted - $100
registration of new domain name (pending vanity call) - $10
hosting web site - $60
sponsoring plaques for contest winners - tabled to allow discusion from larger number of members - no amount set
certificates for members who place in contests - no amount set


K5ER stated the need for ARRL club affiliation.  W5WZ was instructed to seek affiliation.


KI5XP stated the need to spread the word of the new club.  W5WZ volunteered to notify the ARRL Contest Update, cq-contest@contesting.org, and all amateur radio clubs in AR, MS, TX, and LA.


NA5Q introduced the topic of a club callsign.  Discussion followed.  It was agreed that LCC should immediately apply for a sequentially issued callsign, with W5WZ acting as trustee.  Upon callsign assignment, W5WZ was to apply for the vanity call N5LCC.


NA5Q introduced the topic of future meeting locations.  Discussion followed.  It was agreed that, where and when possible, we should strive to hold meetings at the various hamfests around the state to help support and boost their attendance.  Major hamfests are Slidell, Pineville, Rayne, and Monroe.


K5ER introduced the topic of registering an additional domain name.  Discussion followed.  It was agreed that no action be taken at this time, the intent being to register the future club vanity callsign as a domain name.


NA5Q introduced the topic of dues payment via PayPal.  Discussion followed.  It was agreed that LCC obtain a PayPal account (info@louisianacontestclub.org) at such time the checking account is established.  W5WZ is to submit the application to PayPal.


With no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned.


--Scott Dickson W5WZ


--Louisiana Contest Club